The LDA team is honored to serve the Town of Collierville with the award of the Southwest Annex II Sewer Design project. The Town of Collierville is culminating the transition of an agreement with the City of Memphis, for the ownership, redirection, and treatment of wastewater flow for an annexed portion of the community. Currently under design, with construction scheduled to be complete in 2024, the wastewater collection system is being redesigned to connect to Collierville’s current collection system, to eventually arrive and be treated at one of the wastewater treatment plants owned and operated by the town. The LDA team is excited to address engineering challenges of the project: a combination of force main and gravity sewer conveyance system improvements, design of an additional pump station(s), TDEC permitting requirements as conveyance will cross Nonconnah Creek at multiple locations, TDOT coordination as conveyance navigates an underground utility laden state route, and stakeholder coordination with property and utility owners throughout the project site. These challenges present great opportunities for the LDA team to learn and understand the community’s needs and engineer a timely, cost-effective solution for the Town of Collierville. LDA is honored to work with our communities on milestone projects, and anticipate the successful celebration with the Town of Collierville when they complete construction of this project.