The Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) Make Ready Services Project is a multi-year effort by KUB to bring fiber-optic broadband services to the general public, homes and businesses. The network will provide broadband to Knoxville, Knox County and the surrounding counties that fall into KUB’s service area. KUB will strategically install 20 fiber nodes – structures where the distribution of fiber services begin –throughout the network. This will allow an even distribution among service areas, including some rural areas. These structures will serve as stations for maintenance workers to repair network issues in a timely and safe manner.
LDA Fiber is providing an assessment of current KUB infrastructure that the utility company will use to expand its fiber-optic broadband services. These services include ensuring that cables and lines are up to code regarding spacing and safety protocols and visual inspection of poles to determine if they are up to standard for future fiber-optic installation. LDA Fiber’s assessments will allow a smooth process for future construction and installation of necessary equipment with already approved infrastructure components.